Wednesday, August 15, 2007

St Brigid's cathedral, Kildare

Now, I'm clipmarking an image.
clipped from
Early Christian motif piece possibly dating from the 10th. century
Early Christian motif piece possibly dating from the 10th. century
 blog it

My first clipmark

This is my latest discovery.
clipped from

<H1>Saint Brigid </H1><B>St Brigid - Mary of the Gael - is second only to St
Patrick in the esteem of the Irish people. She is, of course, specially
associated with Kildare and the whole area of Magh Life (The Liffey Plain).
 blog it

Monday, August 13, 2007

Meet my talking avatar

Get a Voki now!

She was created in Voki.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Monday, August 06, 2007

Quick Topic

QuickTopic is a free message board hosting service that provides an instant online discussion space. You can try it here.

QuickTopic free message boards

Discuss reflective learning

Friday, August 03, 2007

Finding a map of Australia

Live Search Maps

Here is the angel

As I could not upload this image via Windows Online Writer (without FTP),
I did it inside Blogger.
I want to bring the peace and goodwill that she represents into this blog.

Windows Live Writer

This is the first time I have tried Live Writer.

I chose the angel on our deck

to announce this change

but am having trouble uploading images.